Today is one of the nation's officially designated bug-busting days; a day on which the nation is encouraged to check their family's heads for headlice in an attempt to help prevent and eradicate infestations after half-term.
To mark national bug busting day, Hedrin sent me some top tips for helping to banish headlice from schools and home. They also sent me a box of headlice-shaped and nit-shaped biscuits - you can't beat a nit biscuit!

2. Be honest if live lice are detected, and inform people who have been in close contact. While it might feel embarrassing, letting your school and friends know can help stop the spread of an infestation.
3. Seek advice from a pharmacist, not online forums. Analysis of popular parenting social media sits and forums has shown large numbers of conversations about headlice prevention but many of these contain common myths or inaccurate advice. Hedrin highly recommend asking your local pharmacist for the most up-to-date clinical advice.
4. Treat head lice with clinically proven non-pesticide products. Hedrin Treat & Go contains Activdiol which is clinically proven to kill lice and eggs without pesticides. Treat & Go non-drip mousse is an incredibly easy way of applying the treatment and you can apply it to dry hair and leave overnight. It is available in Boots and pharmacies for £11.49.

You can find out more about the national parents campaign to prevent bugs, in association with Hedrin, at