Online bed retailer, Time4Sleep are on the lookout for the nations most mischievous toddler.
Holly, as cute as she is, is my little terror. One minute she can have the cutest, most roundest, squidgiest face and offer me the most scrumptious cuddles. The next minute, Holly will be destroying something or else, legging off at full speed in totally the opposite direction.
I think Holly should win the prize for the UK's most troublesome toddler. Most of 2014 has been spent clearing up after her. Literally.
Back in April, this happened.
Holly, aged nearly 2, discovered the joy of taps. She would switch them on and giggle loudly. Holly would find every opportunity she could to turn the taps on. One morning in April, as we were leaving the house at 8am to spend the day at work, Holly shut herself in the downstairs bathroom, cackling with mischievous glee. We did eventually coax her out and we disappeared off to work, blissfully unaware that Holly had left the tap running.
That night, as we got home from work 10 hours later, I opened the front door to be confronted with a wave of water sloshing out over my feet. The entire downstairs of the house was about 2 inches deep in water. Holly thought this was hilarious.
Quick thinking on our part managed to stem the damage but we did end up having to lift and replace all of the ceramic tiles, vinyl flooring and laminate flooring in our house. Even after the house insurance claim, we had to fork our quite a large chunk of money to recover from the damage.
For 2 and a half months we lived with the sound of a big blue industrial dehumidifier whirring all day trying to suck up all of the moisture from the floors. We took the destruction of our hallway and bathroom as an excuse to redecorate and so last weekend, seven whole months after the original incident, I put the finishing touches to the replacement bathroom and this is what it looks like now.
Holly seems oblivious to the change. For several months she was in my bad books (my properly bad books) and we banned her from using any room with a tap unless she was accompanied. But in the last few weeks Holly has been toilet trained (a process that was about 2 million percent easier than it was for her older sister) and now she needs to be in and out of that downstairs bathroom quite frequently. Every time she goes in there I cringe and my senses are heightened, waiting for her to leave the tap running.
So far, Holly seems to have been reasonably well behaved when it comes to the taps in the new bathroom. But, with a face as cheeky as this, I'd assume that there was more mischievousness just around the corner.
To make your own entry into the Time4Sleep competition, and be in with a chance of winning a £200 family day out, all you have to do is to visit the Time4Sleep blog and upload your cheeky toddler photo and a caption before the end of the year. You can view some of the current entries on Facebook.
@BlueNile1957 · 475 weeks ago