Big pot, little pot |
In November, Mr. B. caught viral meningitis. It was a scary time. He was very unwell and it has taken him many, many weeks to slowly bring himself back to something approaching normality. Well, I say normality... the one lasting change since Mr. B. fell ill is a taste for tea!
As you may know from my random ramblings on the subject of tea in the past, I'm rather partial to a nice cuppa. I love a good strong coffee or two (or three) in the morning but in the evenings, while I blog, I like a hot cup of tea. Until now, Mr. B. has never joined me. Tea just wasn't his thing. So I owned a teeny tiny single-person teapot for my own use.
Meningitis causes an inflammation of the membranes around the brain. While Mr.B. seems well recovered now, I'm rather stumped by his one lasting side effect following his illness. In the weeks that followed his illness, he wouldn't even drink a cup of coffee in the morning - this was totally unheard of. And to choose to drink a cup of tea???? Well, this was all new to me. Mr B's new taste for tea causes us one issue - we needed a new teapot.
And, as luck would have it, we were asked to review one of these gorgeous Emma Bridgewater Pottery Teapots. We love the classic Emma Bridgewater polka dot design and, in fact, have a couple of mugs already. This teapot is CERTAINLY big enough for the both of us now that Mr. B. is joining me for a regular evening cuppa. The Polka Dot teapot, like most of Emma Bridgewater's pottery teapots claims to be a 4-cup pot but I think you can squeeze a fifth out!
I will admit that it feels like a bit of a luxury to finally be drinking tea that has been properly brewed in a great big pot with enough room for the tea bags to move around in. We have been together for 10 and a half year so it is about time that I got a cup of tea worth drinking... and I suspect my visitors, namely my mum, will appreciate it too!
Even Mr. B is a bit in love with our new piece of Emma Bridgewater. He moaned about the spout being drippy but I suspect it is because he hasn't had 34 years of teapot practice like I have! I love the (not-at-all-drippy) spout, the no-need-to-jiggle-it-about lid and the big-enough-for-my-enormous-hands handle. Even Lara loves it because she thinks it is a Mr. Tumble teapot. Top scores all round.