The Mimijumi bottle is incredibly simple. Only two parts - a bottle and a 'nipple' which screws onto the top. This makes it quite simple to clean and very simple to assemble. Even the anti-colic mechanism is integral to the 'nipple' rather than being a separate part of the bottle.
The 'nipple' on the Mimijumi bottle is lightly textured and coloured to look like a breast. I would say that it is the closest I've seen a bottle come to the real thing! I also noticed that it is one of only two bottles that Holly has taken to instantly. Most bottles we have tried (and we did try a lot!) took several feeds before Holly would drink comfortably from them - in some cases she never got used to them which is why we tried lots of different brands.

The bottles are dishwasher safe and steriliser-safe but can't be used in the microwave. We also found them difficult when we were using formula rather than expressed milk because the plastic cap over the top of the nipple didn't form a full seal and when we shook the bottle to mix the formula, it would inevitably spray or dribble out.
I like the shape and simplicity of the Mimijumi bottle and I thought that the milk-carton-style packaging was a touch of genius but I can't help thinking that the bottles, when tipped up, look very much like a rabbit or hamster bottle!!! For me, Mimijumi is a nice idea but we would need a faster flowing teat for Holly to use these bottles regularly when I give up breastfeeding.
Images courtesy of mimijumi