On April 13th I will be holding a bloggers carnival all about real nappies. I'm looking for people to share their experiences with cloth nappies and to pass on any tips or tricks. Recently I've had several pregnant ladies ask me about reusable nappies – more people are thinking about them these days but until you've tried them, it's a big unknown. If you have a blog post you would like to share then either email me (jumblyMummy@gmail.com) or add the link to the comments below. I'm happy to host reviews, commercial and sponsored posts as long as they are relevant because the more information we can offer, the better. I'm also happy to host blog posts from people who don't use reusables – perhaps about why. Views, experiences or topical pieces are all welcome too. Come back on the 13th of April to read all about people's experiences with real nappies.
Image courtesy of Bambino Mio