I tagged with the Kreativ Blogger award by fellow techy Susan K. Mann thank you. I have to follow the rules below:

- You must thank the person who has given you the award.
- Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
- Link the person who has nominated you for the award.
- Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.
- Nominate other Kreativ Bloggers.
- Post links to the blogs you nominate.
- Let the nominated victims bloggers know they have been tagged.
And so... let me tell you some interesting things about me.
- First up, I was born in Germany. When I need to, I can speak, read, write and understand German but I very rarely need to these days. One day I will take Lara to the town near Hannover where I spent my first months.
- I spent my early years living in Hong Kong (If you haven't guessed by now, we were a British Forces family!). Some day, when I am rich, and when I am less terrified about taking Lara on a long-haul flight, I will definitely take my family over there - it is such a different culture and the food is fab.
- I suffer from a condition called Freiburg's Disease. It is common in young, tall women and I first discovered it when I broke my foot while bungee-running at a work team-building event. It means that I have to be extremely careful with footwear, and when excercising as my toe bones are very delicate.
- I like to sew. Although I have recently re-discovered the sewing machine, I really prefer embroidery, specifically cross-stitch. Years ago, I had several of my designs published in major UK craft magazines. It's a handy skill to have because I will never be caught without a birthday card for someone!
- I am the commnity champion of the 'Mums Matters' forum over at Gumtree. It is a place to ask random mummy and daddy type questions. I'd love it if you came to visit me there!
- I love to enter consumer competitions; what I love more is winning them. I may not be on quite the same level as my Mum but I've won holidays and kitchens and plenty of other goodies on the way. Plus, it is the way I find out about new products and websites (some of which have become my all-time favourites) and in a funny sort of way, it's how I got in to blogging.
- I used to want to be a broadcast journalist. In fact, I was doing work experience on 'Newsround' on the day that John Major famously tendered his resignation in 1995 and launched a leaderhip contest. On that day, I clearly remember the JOY of getting home and finding my own words showing on the Ceefax Newsround page. That was about the height of my fame - Ceefax!
I pass this meme on to:-
Louise at Rock n Roll Babyworld.
and to Maria, Little M's Mummy.