I have been awarded the Gratitude award by both Hayley at SingleMummy and Beth at My Good Life. For that, am I grateful!
But this would be a rubbish post if I stopped there! So here are the other things for which I am grateful.
I would like to pass this award on to these fine bloggers
Beetroot & Gherkins
Mummys Space
Life As I See It
But this would be a rubbish post if I stopped there! So here are the other things for which I am grateful.
- I am grateful for my job. I love doing what I do and the best thing is, I earn money doing it. In the current job market and financial culture I am grateful that I have a job at all, let alone one that is so challenging and rewarding.
- I am grateful for my house. OK, so my current neighbours may not be the kind of people I'd choose to live amongst (see my recent post); but at least I have a home to call my own. In a few months time I'll have a new house and a new place to call home.
- I am grateful to my parents for having put me on the right track and having equipped me well to cope with life, work and motherhood. It is thanks to them that I have the skill to code, the ability to cook great food, to grow great food, make clothes for my daughter, decorate my house... the list is endless.
- I am grateful to my sister-in-law for all the free clothes she gives me for Lara, and to the strangers in the world of Freecycle / Freegle who pass on to me their baby goodies for free.
- I am grateful to Lara for letting me get a good night's sleep. I realise now that this is very unusual as a parent and unless she is genuinely unwell, I think my little girl currently likes to sleep as much as I do, which is handy!
I would like to pass this award on to these fine bloggers
Beetroot & Gherkins
Mummys Space
Life As I See It