I hadn't listened to any music for months and months but Mr B bought me the much-celebrated IPod for Christmas and now that I am back at work, slaving over a keyboard, I have had time to explore my music collection.
Hayley at SingleMotherhoodChallenges tagged me in the 'Stories & Songs' meme. So here's my song of choice, and the story behind it:-
Hayley at SingleMotherhoodChallenges tagged me in the 'Stories & Songs' meme. So here's my song of choice, and the story behind it:-
I chose Dodgy's “Staying out for the Summer” because its reminds me of meeting and getting to know one of my best friends (who I don't see anywhere near enough these days). Meet James. Our paths first crossed in the summer of my 17th birthday party. If I remember correctly, he actually gate-grashed my party, stole the beer from the fridge and hid it in the woodland across the road from my house. Not exactly the best way to start a relationship, but at least it's memorable. James may not be my most frequently-visited friend these days, but he's one of the best; I love him to pieces, so much so that he was my maid of honour (sorry, mate of honour) at my wedding.
That year, as one of my birthday presents, my folks gave me a copy of the Dodgy album, 'Free Peace Sweet'. The single, 'Staying Out For The Summer' had just been released, I was half way through my A-levels, loving college life during the week, and discovering the joys of the local pubs at the weekends. In my head (if not in reality), the whole of the next 12 months were sunny, bright and a a huge amount of fun. Mind you, this was a good few years ago and my memory could be playing tricks on me. Although the song feels summery, I guess the lyrics aren't as cheerful as the music but for me, it is the anthem of that year.

The following summer James invited me to his summer ball at the Southampton Institute. For reasons you can probably imagine, I can't remember an awful lot about the ball itself but I remember this photo being taken in the afternoon before we started (properly) drinking. I spent a lot of money on that dress and now I look back, it makes me look quite ill and skinny, but at the time, it was perfect. I matched the dress with a pair of huge 12cm white chunky heels which meant I towered over everyone around, especially James. I can clearly remember watching Dodgy perform this track live at the ball inside a huge marquee and me having the perfect view because I was a clear head's height taller than almost everyone else in the room! It was a brilliant night.
I'm not planning on tagging anyone else with this meme because it has nearly run its course, but if you fancy it and haven't already been tagged, feel free to give it a go.
That year, as one of my birthday presents, my folks gave me a copy of the Dodgy album, 'Free Peace Sweet'. The single, 'Staying Out For The Summer' had just been released, I was half way through my A-levels, loving college life during the week, and discovering the joys of the local pubs at the weekends. In my head (if not in reality), the whole of the next 12 months were sunny, bright and a a huge amount of fun. Mind you, this was a good few years ago and my memory could be playing tricks on me. Although the song feels summery, I guess the lyrics aren't as cheerful as the music but for me, it is the anthem of that year.

The following summer James invited me to his summer ball at the Southampton Institute. For reasons you can probably imagine, I can't remember an awful lot about the ball itself but I remember this photo being taken in the afternoon before we started (properly) drinking. I spent a lot of money on that dress and now I look back, it makes me look quite ill and skinny, but at the time, it was perfect. I matched the dress with a pair of huge 12cm white chunky heels which meant I towered over everyone around, especially James. I can clearly remember watching Dodgy perform this track live at the ball inside a huge marquee and me having the perfect view because I was a clear head's height taller than almost everyone else in the room! It was a brilliant night.
I'm not planning on tagging anyone else with this meme because it has nearly run its course, but if you fancy it and haven't already been tagged, feel free to give it a go.