Now, you may have already worked out that I'm not the giggly, gossipy girly sort. Chattering about wedding dresses isn't usually my thing, but I received such a lot of great comments about the picture of my dress on my Life Plan meme that I felt it only right to join in with the Wedding Dress meme when I was tagged by Kelly at 'You found Kelly's Hiding Place'. After all, if there's one thing a woman is allowed to get girly about, its her wedding dress.

My wedding dress is festering in my loft. If I don't manage to find a buyer this year it is either going to Oxfam, or else (if I have met my new year's resolution and remembered how to use a sewing machine) I may possibly be adventurous enough to chop it up (the thought makes me shudder) and transform it into a gorgeous dress (or two) for Lara.
If you've read my Life Plan then you'll know that I had always set my sights on a brightly coloured wedding dress. Yellow was my colour of choice but despite it being my favourite colour, I look absolutely hideous dressed in yellow so I quickly ruled that out! Our wedding took place at Easter 2008 and we had a strong spring theme (yellows and greens) with traditional English daffodils, pale early roses and freesias. I was on the lookout for a green wedding dress; something classical, but with a hint of spring colour.

I had seen the dress I wanted in a magazine and managed to find a local supplier. On the day when my Mum accompanied me to the boutique to look for dresses, I tried my hardest to keep an open mind but I kept coming back to the one I had set my sights on and; when I tried it on, I knew it was right! I think its programmed in to us to KNOW… a bit like a wizard and his wand!
My dress is an Alfred Angelo 1516 original in Hunter Green. It is a pale ivory colour with a stunning green panel that runs down the whole of the length of the dress and forms a round semi-cathedral train. I think my dress embodies my character extraordinarily well - traditional, elegant and yet with a streak of originality - something just a touch out of the ordinary. I like to push the boundaries without rocking the boat!
The front of the dress is decorated with a floral pattern made up of small beads and pearls around the bodice and in a diamond shape across the front of the dress. The floral pattern is continued on the train and up to the laced corset back.
If you are interested in buying my dress, make me an offer! If you're not, I guess I had better lift that sewing machine out!
I tag Claire of Life through the Slim Lens
and Catherine at Baby Genie
If you would like to carry on the meme, add a comment or tweet me to let me know and I'll tag you officially!